My Emacs Workflow For Programming, Notetaking, and Much More


I use Emacs everyday on all of my computers. It is my favorite program on my computer. I use it for school and personal use, and only on Linux. I have a separate configuration on my Emacs repository on the minimal branch that is lighter weight for my school computer.

General Packages

Editing Extensions

expand-region: This extension is really useful for selecting text. It's like a dwim solution for selecting text. You can repeatedly run the same key-sequence (I use C-=) and select a larger amount of text for every tool.


tempel: This is a package for snippets. You can define text snippets in a lisp-like syntax. It's very conventient for quick snippets like this:

tempel snippets

Refractoring Tools with wgrep and substitute

My workflow for large text operations was completely copied from this irreal post. Basically the idea is this:

  1. Call grep/rgrep/consult-grep to get a list of every occurrence of the function name. If consult-grep, use embark to export to buffer.
  2. Call wgrep so that you can edit the rgrep output and have the results reflected in the original files.
  3. Call substitute or query-replace-regexp to change every instance of the function name at once.
  4. Quit wgrep, writing the changes back to the files.

TODO Snippets with tempel

Snippets are a really helpful way of reducing time spent retyping the same things over and over again. I use snippets for common phrases and elisp functions that I type often.

TODO File Management with dired

TODO Window Management



TODO Major Modes

I have a few packages installed for the various programming languauges that I like to dabble in. Here they are in list format, because they don't a lot to talk about.

  1. clojure-mode
  2. haskell-mode
  3. ada-mode

TODO Repl - Cider, Sly, Geiser

Language Server (LSP)

Eglot just works, and it's built into Emacs. I mainly use it with clangd for C++. I don't really need it for other langs.

TODO Completion


TODO Writing


Org mode is one of the pillars of Emacs. It is not just a markdown clone


denote-menu and denote-explore

Editing extensions

TODO Time Management and Scheduling file


tmr is a simple package for managing timers. I use it to tell when I need to get up and walk around after studying for around 60 min.

TODO Media

Multimedia with EMMS

RSS Feeds with elfeed

elfeed-org and goodies

Emails with notmuch


TODO "Frivoulous" Items

Modus and Ef Themes

As I stated in my opinionated list of programs, I like to


Spacious Padding
