I use Emacs everyday on all of my computers. It is my favorite program on my computer. I use it for school and personal use, and only on Linux. I have a separate configuration on my Emacs repository on the minimal branch that is lighter weight for my school computer.
General Packages
Editing Extensions
expand-region: This extension is really useful for selecting text. It's like a dwim solution for selecting text. You can repeatedly run the same key-sequence (I use C-=) and select a larger amount of text for every tool.
tempel: This is a package for snippets. You can define text snippets in a lisp-like syntax. It's very conventient for quick snippets like this:
Refractoring Tools with wgrep and substitute
My workflow for large text operations was completely copied from this irreal post. Basically the idea is this:
- Call grep/rgrep/consult-grep to get a list of every occurrence of the function name. If consult-grep, use embark to export to buffer.
- Call wgrep so that you can edit the rgrep output and have the results reflected in the original files.
- Call substitute or query-replace-regexp to change every instance of the function name at once.
- Quit wgrep, writing the changes back to the files.
TODO Snippets with tempel
Snippets are a really helpful way of reducing time spent retyping the same things over and over again. I use snippets for common phrases and elisp functions that I type often.
TODO File Management with dired
TODO Window Management
Major Modes
Emacs comes with a lot of major modes, but not for languages like Haskell, Clojure, and Ada. I sometimes program with these, so I need to have them installed for auto completion and auto indentation.
Since I program in several lisp languages, I use repl-driven development. I use Cider, Sly, Geiser for my language repls.
- Cider - Clojure
- Sly - Common Lisp, always SBCL
- Geiser - various scheme dialects. I mainly use Gauche repl but sometimes Racket
Here is a video that showcases how Sly works for Common Lisp.
Language Server (LSP)
Eglot just works, and it's built into Emacs. I mainly use it with clangd for C++. I don't really need it for other langs.
Completion in Emacs has always been a struggle for me. I only recently figured it out. At first I was like, I don't need it. Then I realized I wanted it and then I couldn't set it up. Then I gave up and said, "well I never needed you anyway". Finally, I figured it out and won't touch it for fear of it breaking.
I essentially use the same setup as Protesilaos that he describes in this part of his configuration.
TODO Writing
Editing extensions
Time Management and Scheduling
I presented at EmacsConf 2024 to talk about my student workflow for Emacs. You can view my presentation here. I show exactly how I use Emacs + Org mode as a student using demos and explanations.
Multimedia with EMMS
I have written an article about how I use/setup EMMS here.
TODO RSS Feeds with elfeed
Irc is pretty simple chat protocol. I don't use it very often, but it is important to at least know how to use it for open source project discussion.
TODO "Frivoulous" Items
Modus and Ef Themes
As I stated in my opinionated list of programs, I like to